MLPIA welcomes new members interested in upholding the principles that embody our organization. We offer three types of memberships which are described below. If you would like to become a member, please complete the online application here.

If you have any questions please write us at:


ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP– Is limited to professional investigators licensed in Maine. Active members have full voting rights relating to the association, hold elected offices, and other association privileges.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP– is available to any individual outside of the State of Maine and not licensed in Maine, who is qualified in his/ her jurisdiction to practice as a private Investigator. This membership has also been extended to Investigative Assistants in Maine. Associate members shall have all privileges except the right to vote on matters relating to the association and will not be able to hold elected offices in the association.

CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP- Corporate Members are sponsors and supporters of Professional Investigators in the State of Maine. This membership is for Individuals or organizations of any type who support the association’s purpose and it’s foundation for the betterment of the investigator’s community-at-large. Corporate members shall have all association privileges except the right to vote on matters relating to the association and will not be able to hold elected offices in the association.

LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP– An honorary position with no voting privileges and exempt from annual dues.